Day 1 : Daily Short Motivational Articles To Read In The Morning

Inspirational and Positive Things To Read In The Morning

Turning The Ugly Reality Into Beautiful reality

Day 1 : Daily Short Motivational Articles To Read In The Morning

Sit somewhere in silence for a moment. Leaving everything aside for a moment, give a moment to YOURSELF and look back what have you been doing in these past few days.

Think about your efforts that you put into work, or in your studies.

We all have our goals that we want to accomplish like making a successful career, getting promotion at job, or maybe getting good grades.
Now analyze whether are you giving your 100% in your efforts to make your dreams come true? Do your efforts are really bringing you closer to your goals?
For most of us, the answer is a big NO
The reason behind it could be numerous. But we are not the type to use/give the excuse of 'REASONS' for our laziness. Right?
Now, firstly let's forget everything bad and disappointing that has happened to us in the past.
Everything happens for a reason in this universe. So, looking on the brighter side do you know what is the best thing about the time we lost? It leaves behind us memories and experiences that we can use to make our future way better than our present.

Everything from the joys, to the disappointments, or the exciting times, your insanely painful tedious efforts, these all have bestowed upon you great strength whether you agree or not right now. 
But if you take some time and think over it you will realize : that it is TRUE.

Next, even if it is just for a very brief moment, let us thank everyone who has helped us during our time of need. 
Now, feel and search that strength building within you and put it to positive use in achieving your goals.

Fulfill the promise that you made to yourself to achieve something great in this life.

Fully appreciate where, what and how you’ve been all this time, and carry that appreciation and that feeling with you every single morning when you wake up.
This is the moment when you decide to look to the future.
Take a look at yourself in the mirror with confidence. 

Gather for yourself a deep and powerful sense of appreciation that you can carry forward this whole day be at your study or at your workplace.
Mark my words that YOU deserve the more happiness, more success and more of every single positive thing in this life.

So, make sure to completely use all that potential you’ve developed so far, for this is your year, this is your time. 
This is the very moment when you create the beautiful reality that your life has made possible.

So believe in yourself and give your best shot at whatever you do!

That's all for today. Visit us back for more motivational article and motivational quotes to read in the morning and before bed.
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Question: How can I motivate myself in the morning?
Answer: Wake up happy, get inspired by reading journal and some positive things in the morning. Develop the mindset to be resilient & persevere whatever obstacles you have in your life by reading these articles about motivation from New Chapter Quotes!

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